European Hardware and Finishes/Gerber Hinge Co.
European Hardware and Finishes/Gerber Hinge Co. imports and manufactures period french, italian and english hardware in solid brass and iron(steel) while offering our own unique finishes not found anywhere else. We specialize in French style lift-off hinges for period furniture, homes and cabinetry but we also carry a large selection of hardware such as furniture locks, cremone bolts, door knockers, grills, mouldings, pulls and knobs etc. covering all the french period styles. On this site you will find our entire offering of products. If you don't see what you are looking for do not hesisate to contact us, we will do our best to help you find what you are looking for. For your convenience we also have an e-commerce site "shopGerberhinge.com" where you will find a limited selection of hardware and finishes available for quick shipping.
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